Re: [-empyre-] Introducing Neural Skeins and Digital Skins -- November on -empyre-

On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Barrie wrote:

 This is a very interesting conjecture. Gestural drawing, isn't all drawing
 gestural? Gestural drawing has traditionally, I presume, an immediacy that
 allows for *un-premeditated* marks to be made. So, where is the language in
 this, symbolism? shape of the mark? metaphore? Mood/emotional state would
 seem to be an important aspect of this way of making a drawing. What rules,
 if any does Twombly apply in the way he works? These would effect outcome;
 Present centered being? Systems art concepts?

Why must there _necessarily_ be either system or code behind Twombly? Does
art _necessarily_ imply language, or even a coherent 'reading,' or even a
'reading' of any kind?

Art may well be mute, inert; it need not be readable. Perhaps the surplus
of painting is that indecipherable core, which may or may not rise to the
surface as well.

Perhaps, even if one of my personal methods is to trying to see things with an alien eye.

If the same binary information could be read as text, programming code, movie, sound (many musicians like Massimo worked in this field), that should be even other possible intepretations, unknown now.

And intertia would be one of them.


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